Doi Kham Ginger Scented Honey is made from 100% Thai longan flower honey, blended with natural old ginger extract for a warm, mildly spicy kick that’s both soothing and comforting! The smooth sweetness of honey and the aromatic heat of ginger creates a perfect warming sensation, making it ideal for cold weather, throat soothing, and promoting blood circulation!
呢款蜂蜜由 100% 泰國龍眼花蜜 配合 天然老薑精華,帶來 微辣暖身 嘅獨特口感,甜中帶少少薑嘅溫熱感,滋潤又暖胃!蜂蜜嘅香甜 + 老薑嘅溫潤辛香,飲落去即刻感覺暖笠笠,特別適合 冬天暖身、舒緩喉嚨、促進血液循環

Ginger Scented Honey 230G 薑味蜜糖 230g