Keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean with Hygiene Freshener Aqua 8g. This handy hanging sachet emits a refreshing sunshine scent that will eliminate any stale or musty odors in your wardrobe. Perfect for keeping your clothes and linens feeling clean and revitalized.
使用 Hygiene Freshener Aqua 8g,讓您的衣服保持清新乾淨的氣味。這款方便的懸掛式香袋散發出清新的陽光氣味,可消除衣櫃中的任何陳舊或發霉的氣味。非常適合讓您的衣服和床單保持清潔和活力。

Hygiene Freshener Black 8g 衣櫃用香包 8g - 牡丹花香