Hygiene LD Expert Wash (Milky Touch) provides deep cleaning while keeping fabrics soft and delicately scented. Its advanced formula effectively removes tough stains and odors, penetrating deep into fibers for a thorough clean. The gentle milky fragrance leaves clothes feeling fresh and comfortable. Suitable for all fabrics and daily use.
Chinese (中文):
Hygiene Expert Wash 洗衣液(Milky Touch 香味)深層潔淨衣物,同時保持布料柔軟並散發淡雅奶香。其先進配方能有效去除頑固污漬和異味,深入纖維徹底清潔。溫和護衣,讓衣物持久清新舒適,適用於日常洗滌和各類布料。