Hygiene Softener (Violet) enhances fabric texture, keeping clothes velvety smooth with an elegant floral scent. Its innovative formula minimizes static cling, facilitates effortless ironing, and preserves fabric integrity. Designed for all fabric types, it delivers lasting freshness and a delicate touch with every wash.
Hygiene 柔順劑(紫色)細緻呵護衣物,使布料柔滑細膩,散發高雅花香。獨特配方有效減少靜電,讓熨燙更加輕鬆,同時維持衣物原有質感。適用於各種布料,每次洗滌後皆能保持清新怡人與輕柔舒適。

Hygiene Softener Violet 500ml Pouch 柔順劑 500ml 紫