Doi Kham Mango Juice is Made from 98% real mango, which offers a fragrant, naturally sweet taste with a silky-smooth texture. It captures the lush flavor of mangoes with no added sugar needed. The juice is rich in Vitamin A, an essential nutrient that supports healthy vision and growth. In fact, Doi Kham’s mango juice is a quality product recognized with a Superior Taste Award, highlighting its exceptional flavor. With no concentrates or artificial additives, each sip provides pure tropical sweetness along with beta-carotene and antioxidants from mangoes to support your health.
Doi Kham 芒果汁 (200ml) 採用優質芒果製成,味道 濃郁香甜、質地絲滑,無需額外加糖 。含有豐富的維生素與抗氧化成分,亦曾獲「頂級風味大獎(Superior Taste Award)」,保留水果的純正口感與營養,是芒果愛好者的理想選擇,讓您隨時享受健康美味的果汁。