Doi Kham Mixed Berry Juiceblends three types of berries – strawberry, mulberry, blueberry – into one flavorful drink. It offers a perfect balance of sweet and tangy berry flavors, as the natural sweetness of ripe berries is complemented by a slight tartness. The beverage is high in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and calcium, making it as nourishing as it is tasty. Vitamin A in the juice supports vision, Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant for immune health, and calcium supports bone strength. With no concentrate, added color, or artificial flavor, this mixed berry juice delivers authentic berry goodness in every sip.
Doi Kham 雜莓果汁係由草莓、桑葚同藍莓調配而成,帶嚟完美嘅甜酸口感 。含有豐富的維他命A & C同鈣,有助保護視力、增強免疫力同強健骨骼,真正還原莓果鮮味,口感濃郁香甜!

Mixed Berry Juice 1L 雜莓果汁 1L