Taste: Rich and creamy, with a subtle sweet note of fresh coconut.
How to Cook: Ideal for single-portion curries, sauces, or desserts. Gently stir into a small batch of curry paste or soup base, then simmer to enrich both flavor and texture.
味道: 椰香濃郁,帶住淡淡甜味,口感柔滑細膩。
煮法: 最啱用嚟煮單人份量嘅咖喱、醬汁或者甜品。可以先喺細煲度倒入少量咖喱醬或者湯底,再加入椰漿,慢火煮滾,咁就可以令成個味道更加香濃,口感更順滑。

Coconut Milk 165ml 罐裝椰奶165ml