Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant is a globally recognized Thai culinary brand founded by Chef Nooror Somany Steppe. It offers a wide range of premium products—curry pastes, sauces, and meal kits—crafted using authentic Thai recipes and high-quality ingredients. Available in 45 countries, Blue Elephant continues to bring the essence of Royal Thai cuisine into homes and kitchens worldwide.

Blue Elephant(藍象)是一個享譽國際的泰國美食品牌,由名廚 Nooror Somany Steppe 創辦,主打正宗皇室泰國料理。它提供多種優質產品,包括咖哩醬、醬料和套餐組合,以正宗泰國食譜和高品質食材製成。現時,Blue Elephant 的產品已在全球 45 個國家銷售,讓世界各地的美食愛好者都能在家中品嚐地道泰國風味。

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Yellow Curry Paste 1kg 黃咖哩醬 1kg

Yellow Curry Paste 1kg 黃咖哩醬 1kg

TasteMildly spicy with a gentle sweetness, featuring turmeric and other warm, aromatic spices for a comforting flavor profile. How to Use (1kg Pack) Portioning: For every 400–500ml of coconut milk,...
Thai Seafood Dipping Sauce 190ml 泰式海鮮醬 190ml

Thai Seafood Dipping Sauce 190ml 泰式海鮮醬 190ml

Taste: Spicy, sour, and garlicky—classic Thai flavors for seafood. How to Cook: Serve alongside steamed or grilled fish/shrimp. Adjust with extra lime, and sugar if needed. 味道: 辣、酸,帶蒜香,非常配海鮮。 烹調方法: 可用來沾蒸或烤魚、蝦,如需要可自行加青檸或糖調味。...
Thai Premium Cooking Set Boat Noodle Soup 210g 泰式船麵套裝 210g

Thai Premium Cooking Set Boat Noodle Soup 210g 泰式船麵套裝 210g

Taste: Rich, dark broth often spiced with star anise, cinnamon, and sometimes a hint of blood. How to Cook: Boil the included broth base with water or stock, add noodles...
Thai Premium Cooking Set Tom Yam Noodle Soup 泰式冬蔭功湯麵套裝

Thai Premium Cooking Set Tom Yam Noodle Soup 泰式冬蔭功湯麵套裝

  Taste: Spicy and sour Tom Yam broth with aromatic herbs. How to Cook: Cook the supplied noodles, heat the Tom Yam base, then add protein (shrimp, chicken) and veggies....
Premium Fish Sauce 750ml 高級大支裝魚露 750ml

Premium Fish Sauce 750ml 高級大支裝魚露 750ml

Taste: Salty, pungent, with deep umami. Premium has a cleaner, more refined taste. How to Cook: Use to season soups, curries, stir-fries, or as a dipping sauce base (e.g., chili,...
Tom Yam Chilli paste 1kg 冬蔭功辣椒醬 1kg

Tom Yam Chilli paste 1kg 冬蔭功辣椒醬 1kg

Taste Spicy & Sour: Distinct hot-and-sour profile featuring chili, lemongrass, and lime. Savory: Adds a fragrant, zesty kick typical of classic Tom Yam soup. How to Use (1kg Pack) Portioning:...
Red Curry Paste 1kg 紅咖哩醬 1kg

Red Curry Paste 1kg 紅咖哩醬 1kg

TasteMedium spicy, aromatic, and bold, featuring dried red chilies, garlic, and galangal. While it packs a noticeable chili kick, it’s not the hottest in the range. How to Use (1kg...
Green Curry Paste 1kg 綠咖哩醬 1 kg

Green Curry Paste 1kg 綠咖哩醬 1 kg

TasteConsidered the spiciest among Blue Elephant’s classic curry pastes, it offers a fresh, herbal blend of green chilies, lemongrass, and kaffir lime leaves. The bold heat is balanced by fragrant...
Thin rice noodle Khanom Jeen Noodles  50g x4 泰式幼米線 50g x4

Thin rice noodle Khanom Jeen Noodles 50g x4 泰式幼米線 50g x4

Taste: Very light rice flavor, soft yet slightly springy. How to Cook: Typically served with Thai curries (Green, Massaman) or in soups. Briefly soak/boil before serving. 味道: 輕盈米香,口感柔軟帶少許彈性。 烹調方法: 常與泰式咖喱(青咖喱、馬薩曼)或湯麵配搭。先浸/煮至適中即可食用。
Som Tam Dressing 190ml 青木瓜沙律醬190ml

Som Tam Dressing 190ml 青木瓜沙律醬190ml

Taste: Sweet, sour, spicy blend typical of green papaya salad. How to Cook: Toss with shredded green papaya, carrots, tomatoes, peanuts for classic Som Tam. 味道: 甜酸微辣,用於泰式青木瓜沙律。 烹調方法: 與刨絲的青木瓜、紅蘿蔔、番茄及花生拌勻。
White Tea with Lemongrass 香茅白茶25g

White Tea with Lemongrass 香茅白茶25g

Taste: Delicate white tea notes, a citrusy hint from lemongrass. How to Cook (Brew): Steep in not-too-hot water (70–80°C) for 2–3 minutes. Serve hot or chilled. 味道: 清新的白茶香,配合香茅味。 沖泡方法: 以70–80°C溫水浸2–3分鐘,可熱飲或雪凍飲用。...
Tom Kha Sauce 250g 即食南薑椰汁湯

Tom Kha Sauce 250g 即食南薑椰汁湯

  Taste: Pre-mixed coconut-based soup with fragrant herbs. How to Cook: Simply pour into a pot, add chicken or seafood, heat through. 味道: 已預先混合椰奶及香草,味道芳香。 烹調方法: 直接倒入鍋中,加雞肉或海鮮,加熱至熟。