Taste: Spicy, aromatic, and bold, featuring dried red chilies, garlic, and galangal.
How to Cook:
- Fry the paste briefly to release its fragrance.
- Stir in coconut milk, then add protein (chicken, shrimp) and vegetables (bamboo shoots, bell peppers).
- Adjust saltiness with fish sauce or soy sauce, and sweetness with palm sugar if desired.
味道: 辣度較高,香氣濃郁,包含乾紅辣椒、大蒜及南薑的風味。
- 先爆香咖喱醬,讓香味釋放。
- 加入椰奶,再放進蛋白質(如雞肉、蝦)及蔬菜(竹筍、甜椒)同煮。
- 可用魚露或生抽調鹹度,如喜歡可加椰糖或糖調甜度。

Red curry paste 220g 紅咖哩醬 220g